While this horoscope bodes well for my brief return to South Africa, my first day in Cape Town actually had a rather inauspicious start. I spent the morning painfully hungover, consequence of the beer, margaritas, and tequila shots I had taken the night before to celebrate my return. After slowly drinking my long-awaited Vida latte (and forcing myself to finish a bottle of water, which for some reason my body was rejecting despite its dehydration) I walked up Bree Street to Frieda's, where I eventually settled on a bowl of muesli and a bran muffin as being the most curative option on the menu.
Maybe in sympathy for me, the city itself seemed to be suffering a bit of a hangover as well. It drizzled cold rain all day, and the cloud cover in the City Bowl was so thick that Table Mountain remained entirely concealed.
I feel like I have a hangover and I don't even have alcohol to blame. Have a lot of Vida coffees for me and remember to go to Royale.
Keep us updated on your adventures in Cape Town in the future...
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