Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Cambodian Signs.

Aside from the crumbling relics of French colonial architecture, one of the most attractive elements of Cambodian streets are the abundance of hand painted signs. They advertise sewing services, appliances, and hair salons. The images seem to be taken from specific photographs; I'd often see the same woman's face on multiple signs, with only the color of the dress or the details of the hair changed.
Not all hand painted signs are used for advertising. Some of the most intriguing are those with a social message. Hand painted billboards warn against the dangers of drugs, speeding, and landmines. I'm not sure of the exact meaning of this somewhat mysterious one below, which seems to caution against the dangers of women.


Stephen van Dyck said...

Women are scary. All men should follow the sign's message and stick with each other.

Erik said...

The lesbian on the motorcycle is pointing out to the straight guy in the green shirt that the hooker isn't a woman at all.

Unknown said...

the "haircut" signs are far preferable to the ones here where everyone is sheet white with a black outline and frightening, sparkly eyes.

Alexander Santillanes said...

Being sheet white is considered quite an attractive attribute in Southeast Asia. There are many tv ads where women with perfectly white skin offer advice to their poor, darker friends. -X

Robert said...

I love the landscape around where you live! SO pretty!! It looks like Kansas...we drove through once and it was pretty bare, but beautiful nonetheless. =)