While it's wanderlust in general that's driving us, there is one particular destination that is becoming central to our escape plot: South America. It's a continent I know very little about, having only been once, on a week long trip to Peru, but that I'm intrigued by. So we're starting to research, looking at a route that would take us from the jungles of Colombia, down through the mountain towns of the Andes, to Buenos Aires, which by reputation must be one of the most fascinating cities on Earth.
Anyone have a destination in South America to recommend?
X, I am so fascinated by South America also! Especially after watching Motorcycle Diaries (and Gael Garcia Bernal is just so hot as Che Guevara). the salt pans of Atacama in Bolivia, I heard, is just wonderful. Stay at the salt hotel! BA, of course, i known to be the fashion capital of the South. Iguazu Falls, Patagonia are all must-sees! Or maybe to Brazil - Rio, Bahia, and the beaches of Fernando Noronha!! I'm so excited for you!
X, I still have your gift here with me. It has been a stressful summer (winter for your guys) here for me. But now that I have put all my grief aside, I am ready for the world once again :)
Colombia is high on my list of must visits. Going by feedback from travellers when I was in Panama, it has changed over a short time for the better. I also recently read an article about cycling around the streets of Bogota (safe areas) on Sundays,some areas are closed to motorised traffic to encourage cycling. And of course there is Cartagena.
I'm jealous. I really like South America. You can check out my post on Columbia and see the route we took: http://postcardsandcoasters.blogspot.com/search/label/Columbia
We backpacked from Bogota to Quito. I also wrote about things we saw around Quito in another post.
Cant wait to read about your trip down there. So will you leave Africa and relocate in SA?
Brazil is amazing but it really varies from north to south...Buenos Aires is truly a culture rich city and not really a vegeatrian's choice for travel!
i'm dying to go to buenos aires!
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