Thursday, November 01, 2007

Sesame street-snack.

I love finding delicious new street-treats, particularly when they're on my daily commute. Every morning, I scrape along the edge of the Khlong Toei Market as I walk to school. In the early hours of the day, as I'm only just waking up, it's usually a bit of a sensory assault: the rot smell of produce, the loud exchanges of buyers and sellers, and the heat of too many bodies and too many open pots of curry. But it also offers some tasty finds. Among platters of fried noodles, I spotted this curious treat. There were puffs of cereal, strips of kaffir-lime leaves, toasted sesame seeds, and dry-fried red chilies, all coated in a honey syrup. It combined for an exotic mix of sweet, spicy and fruity flavors.


HopSkipJump said...

You seriously need to find someone to pay you for creating this blog... it is amazing. As good or better than any other travel blog I have found.

simplyolive said...

thanks for visiting our blog. the food post looks so yummy! how lucky you are!